Target Audience for Costco

The website i have chosen to analyse is Costco. Costco Wholesale Corporation operates an international chain of membership warehouses, that carry quality, brand name merchandise at substantially lower prices than are typically found at conventional wholesale or retail outlets. The warehouses are designed to help small-to-medium-sized businesses reduce costs in purchasing for resale and for everyday business use. Individual Members may also purchase for their personal needs.

Costco's target audience would be the 'C' of the NRS social grades. The 'C' takes into account adults who are middle to working class. Also, to be able to go to Costco you need a membership which can only be acquired if you own a business so it is quite exclusive. I think the age group would be those aged between 35-65 years old because it is for business owners and it may take some people time to establish themselves in the field they're in before they own a business.  

The pictures and advertising on the home page of the website show products that are not everyday items that people may purchase so it is for people that may have disposable income. One advert that is shown is of kids with toy houses and is labelled "HOT BUY". This is an advert that is meant to appeal to adults though and not children because they are quite expensive toys and will most likely be one off purchases for their children.

The website is different in contrast if you were going in store to buy smething because if you are in the store a person or sign will direct you where to find the item that you would already be looking for and you would go to Costco knowing what you want but on the website the drop down menus for each department on the website are very big and split into many different subheadings so it will take a while to find exactly what you are looking for on the website and a lot of peopl like to do their shopping quick and easy.

Also the colour scheme is of the website doesn't really coincide with the company brand because Costco and known for the red logo and the website is quite dull and uses mostly the colour grey. 


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