Analysing Television Adverts

KFC Zinger Crunch Salad- They use medium shots, close ups and extreme close ups on the staff and the product to display what they are advertising. No Long shots are used to distinguish the scenery/setting. It is aimed at middle aged women/ healthy eating lifestyles and displays a normal office working environment.

YSL Opium- Uses the form of dance to display voyeurism. Point of view shots are used for the person who is 'watching' her to display an addiction. Black and White colours used to contrast purity. Her red lipstick connotes seduction. Different shot types used to portray that she is the focus and she's using sexual poses to show her addiction to the perfume.

Burger King- Aimed at 25 year old to middle aged men that enjoy fast food establishments compared to 'Chick' food. They use mid shots to show what type of burger the advert is promoting. Diversity is represented because it shows people from different backgrounds enjoying the same food. Portrays many stereotypes to do with masculinity and men showing off their muscles.


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