Enemy of Man

1. How much money were they asking for?- $250,000

2. How much did they get?- $255,564

3. How many backers were there?- 2712

4. Who is the director and why is it important?- Vincent Regan (First time director)

5. How else is the project being funded?- Selling merchandise, Donations, Crowdfunding

6. What was the funding for?- Equipment, paying the cast, filming, lighting, editing etc...

7. What has happened since it was funded?- Everything has been filmed and is now in the editing and post production phase

This task has taught me how some films get funding from starting up campaigns in order to create the best possible film. Most of this type of funding comes from pledges offered to the target audience of the film.


I had to research into a film that is currently in the editing phase called Enemy of Man because they were part of a crowdfunding campaign through kick starter where they offered pledges to potential audiences which meant they would contribute to the funding of the film whist receiving benefits from there donations.

This task has helped me prepare for the exam by enhancing my research skills and gain contextual knowledge of pre-production and ways you can raise money. it has also helped me understand how crowdfunding campaigns work and the benefits for the donator.


  1. Q4, 5, 6 and 7 are actually either only partly answered, or wrong! Please amend your answers.
    Mrs E


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