Investors and grants piece to camera research

Why invest in films?

  • Get 25 years of royalty payments with huge uplift potential.
  • Appear as film extra and attend VIP events.
  • Get named in the film credits.

The BFI is the lead agency for film in the UK. The BFI Film Fund has a number of funding strands, investing over £26m of Lottery funds per year to support film development, production and distribution activity in the UK.

Film4 is Channel 4’s film production arm invests £15 million annually in developing and financing films for theatrical release in cinemas, working collaboratively with filmmakers and usually in partnership with other funders. Due to the large number of submissions Film4 receives, it can only accept proposals via production companies or agents.

Pinewood pictures funds film and TV productions, on behalf of the Isle of Man Media Development Fund (£25m) and The Welsh Government's Media Investment Budget (£30m).
Pinewood Pictures has a range of funding options available to UK film and TV productions, including equity finance investment, gap finance and discounting of pre-sales and the UK tax credit.
Creative Europe Desk UK
Creative Europe has supported 283 UK cultural and creative organisations and audiovisual companies, as well as the cinema distribution of 115 UK films in other European countries, with grants totalling €57 million. 113 UK companies and 55 UK cinemas in the Europa Cinemas network benefitted directly from grants totalling €22 million, and 115 British films had their distribution supported in other European countries with €18 million of investment. Through Creative Europe's Culture sub-programme, 115 cultural, creative and heritage organisations in the UK benefitted from €15 million.

This task was to research into different TV and film distributors and find out how much they invest and contribute to film and TV production.

I have learnt that when funding grants for a film their can be benefits for the person who contributed such as having your name in the credits for the production of the film even if you were not involved as well as maybe having the chance of featuring as an extra and attending VIP events.


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