Just Giving Crowdfunding

1. What is the film called?- Unsound

2. What was the kickstarter project for?- Attorney fees, professional sound, colour correction, travel and film festival submission fee.

3.How long did they spend developing the concept?- Three weeks

4. How many days do the most successful campaigns run for?- 30 days

5. What figure did they decide on?- $15,000

6. How did they promote the project?- Posted it on social media outlets such as Facebook.

7. What is the pyramid market structure?- 90% of people are lurkers, 9% will engage but only 1% will actually donate to the cause.

This task was to watch a video where someone with a low budget created his own film by starting a kickstarter project to fund all his expenditure fees.

I learnt how long one person spent developing a concept and how long it ran for as well as all the things that contribute to the expenditure and made me think more about when to spend and when to save or cut costs.


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