Low Budget Film making key points

  • Use pre-existing resources that are available and working with what you've got so you work round the resources you have.
  • Work out locations with easy access and availability that are free or cheap.
  • Use the people you know who may have an interest in acting as your actors if you don't have a budget to hire and pay fixed wages for real actors.
  • Make a list of equipment, props and costumes you own and find cheap places to buy or rent to film and allow easy access.
  • Incorporate local events that seem like it may be good footage.
  • Minimise the amount of main characters with a few supporting roles And don't include ensemble scenes.
  • Avoid exterior night scenes because it requires good lighting which is expensive to buy or rent.
  • CGI and special effects are expensive, time consuming and hard to conquer. 

This task was to watch a short video and make notes about key features of what to do and what not do when making a low budget film with limited funds available. 

I have learnt that to make a low budget film it is all about saving costs because if you save costs in one area then you can potentially spend more money somewhere else to enhance it. For example, if you save money using equipment that is already available to you you can spend a bit more on cast or locations needed for filming.


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