Sponsorship and Product Placement/ OK Go questions

Sponsorship can happen through product placement or through a whole product such as the Premier League.

Rizzle Kicks music video (Skip to the good bit)

  • Beats headphones by Dr Dre.
  • Mini by BMW displayed for a total of 10 seconds to gain £30,000 sponsorship.
OK/GO Video

1. What is the purpose of the music video?- To advertise the Silver Chevrolet Sonic.

2. Who is it sponsored by?-  The music video is sponsored by Chevrolet to advertise their new product.

3. Why did OK GO agree to this? What is their view on music videos?- They agreed to it so they can show visual art and increase awareness to online presences who may enjoy there music. Their view on music videos is that it should only be created if it is new, innovative, creative and quirky.

4. Which companies have sponsored OK GO's work so far?- Land Rover, Samsung and State Farm Insurance.

5. How much sponsorship did they receive from the company?- £350,000-£800,000

6. What did the sponsorship buy?- They paid for Kulash to go to stunt driving school, all of the filming equipment that was needed for four days, The band and an expert from MIT were set up in a warehouse for two months to work out the instruments and kitchen equipment that were to be used and destroyed and the course layout. Also they had to hire the ranch and make editions to the car.

7. Where was the filming location and how many separate location set ups did the production team need to create?- The production company rented a remote canyon ranch off the highway connecting L.A. The set up production team though would have 4 or 5 set ups to shoot at different angles and lengths.

8. How long did the video take to film?- It took 4 days to film. 


This task was to watch a music video and find out the product placement that is used and the sponsors that helped fund to the music video and why they agreed to it.

I learnt that product placement is a key feature to any media operation or product because it is the best way to show it off to different types of audiences if the product is placed somewhere you wouldn't expect.


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