What is included in Pre-production?

Film Industry
For a small video company, pre-production may refer to everything that happens before shooting begins, for example, meeting with the client, research, storyboarding, location planning, etc.
For feature films, pre-production is more specific and only begins when other milestones have been met such as financing, screenplay, casting and major staffing. In this case pre-production includes:
  • Location Scouting- The act of visiting and assessing the suitability of potential filming locations.
  • Prop and wardrobe identification and preparation- Choosing the right clothing and props for the period and place in which a film is set.
  • Special effects identification and preparation- Using the correct technology and effects that is suitable to the type of film that is made.
  • Production schedule- Planning when the film is going to be shot, which locations will be used, who needs to be involved and when.
  • Set Construction- Building the sets and scenery for all of the location shooting and studio shooting.
  • Script-locking- Semi-finalisation of the script.
  • Script read through with cast, director and other interested parties

Music Industry

In the music industry, pre-production is a process whereby a recording artist spends time creating and refining their musical ideas. The artist then produces a song's demo recording, or rough draft, in order to pre-establish the song's creative premise. This reduces the time and money spent in expensive studios. 


  1. Ok, you have made some good points here but you need to be explaining what each element is and why they are important to the pre-production process. Can you do this ASAP and reply. Thank you.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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