Production designer podcast

1. What does the role of production designer entail?- responsible for the overall lucrative production, designs and atmosphere. They are the next person after the director.
  1. During a production, which other members of the production and which other areas of the production does the production designer co-ordinate with?-  Production designers work with Set Designers, Directors, Costume Designer, work with person who does lighting.

3. What issues with locations can occur during the production of a TV drama?- The location they used wasn't off limits to the public whilst they were filming so they had to let them pass through. Also a lot of these properties were built prior to Tudor times, some of the props and furniture had to be moved, covered or built over.

4. What skills, education and experience is it beneficial for a production designer to have?- To work with a director you have worked on a previous project on the next project as well. a beneficial way to get into Set Design is: Go to Art school, work for the BBC in Set Design, drafting and drawing sets, work as a Stand eye director then acquire a set of your own to design. Having an artistic background is very useful and trying to get work experience in production is useful as well.

5. During the production process itself, where are the working locations that a production designer tends to work and how do these relate to the actual filming of the TV drama?- They are always working ahead and not on set during filming but some are standby Art Directors. For example this lady likes to be on set in the morning to make sure the Director is happy then she moves onto the next project.


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