Easy ways to get advertising

1. Promote an affiliate product on your site

Affiliate links are not technically ads but allow you to make money by promoting someone else's product. Different affiliate programs offer different payout options. You will earn commission every time you refer someone to a product. Some might offer 10 percent commission for each sale, while others pay up to 50 percent of each sale.

2. Use targeted advertising with Google AdSense

Google Adsense reflect the content of the website. For example if your looking on a football website, the advert might offer a link to a football or sports retailer that may interest you. It is a free website to join and Google does all the work for you and all you have to do is collect payments. Ads should be tested on the website to make sure they work and so you don't loose credibility.

3. Approach companies directly to ask if you can advertise for them

If you already have a lot of traffic on your websites make sure that the adverts are relatable to your website and your target audience. The more successful the ads are the more you can charge for them. 

4. Sign up for a blog-specific ad program

This will run texts through the database and if they know the target audience, his will consider the type of ads the consumers visiting the website will find valuable. Amazon associates and feature ads for products that people personally use or endorse. You can get advertisers interested in your blog with a link they can use to contact you for rates and requirements. This link will say "Click here to find out how to advertise on this blog" That way, anyone visiting your site is free to discuss advertising opportunities with you.

How important is pre-production to:
a) advertising a product?
b) understanding a target audience?

Pre-production is important in trying to get advertisers to buy into the product that is being created because you cannot advertise a product without pre-production so during this stage you need to find out who your target audience is and research into websites that best suit that target audience and research into advertisers will need to be conducted. 

It is important for pre-production to understand a target audience so they know who they are and what they are interested in. This will help advertise when they visit a website so we can advertise to their needs and what they will find valuable. For example, if they were to visit a film critique website and there may be a piece about a film they haven't seen, there will be adverts that link to a trailer of that film so the audience can watch it and make their on judgement based on the trailer.


  1. Great information, at an appropriate level of detail. Well done. Mrs E


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