
BBFC Podcast 70- Game of Thrones

This post is about a podcast that talks about how the BBFC regulate violent TV shows and why they are given the ratings that they have received.
  • The series throws out a lot of issues such as strong language, strong violence, sex, sexual violence, gore, nudity, threat and horror.
  • The majority of episodes are classified 15, however 13 episodes are classified 18, one for a scene with strong sex, two with scenes of sexual violence, four with very strong language and six for strong bloody violence.
  • The Red Wedding- shocking scene with the three Starks murdered with a sight of the dagger going in. Reaction shots of one of the Starks faces rather than seeing more bloody gory shots. A lot of arterial sprays when Rob Starks throat gets slit. (15 rated)
  • The Mountain and the Viper- A battle scene in the form of a trial. swords and spears clashing together until a character's leg gets slashed , he falls on the floor as the other character leaps in the air and spears him in the heart with large blood spray pouring out of his mouth. (18 rated)
  • The Battle of the Snows- The violence of the battle provides viewer a realistic representation of war violence. The historical and fantastical viewing can have an affect on the classification. Medieval setting with a very strong violence that makes the classification an 18 rated. Many sights of stabbings, blood and bodily organs. 


  1. You have made effective notes and discussed each individual episode.
    Make sure you introduce it properly so that it is clear what the content is


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