Ethical issues surrounding the Passion of the Christ

Passion of the Christ
  • Passion of the Christ was directed and produced by Mel Gibson.
  • One message from the film is sacrifice. For example, in the film they say that Jesus sacrificed his life to save everyone who has sinned so they are taught that they should sacrifice themselves for the greater good of others. This is morally wrong because we are taught that life should be happy and take pride in it, not sacrifice your life which is meant to be precious.
  • Mel Gibson displays Romans poorly in the film as they are meant to represent jews in a negative light which could be seen as anti-semetic references.
  • The film portrays jews as being responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and being horrible, vicious, brutal and inhuman.
  • The film portrays jewish people of holding a grudge against Jesus for switching religious beliefs so they were brutal towards him during the crucifixion.
  • The filmed had a negative impact on their audience with many peoples sending emails to the Anti-Defamation League(ADL) to be published that incited religious bigotry. 
  • The Anti-Defamation League is a Jewish organisation that fights to stop anti-semitism and all forms of bigotry.
  • Much of the facts in the film come from external sources but it makes the audience believe that all the information they are giving is from the New Testament
  • The core issue of the film is whether the movie inaccurately and unjustly portrays Jews as evil, responsible for the crucifixion and if the film will bring back old stereotypes and hatred that many people fought to get rid of.


  1. Some very interesting information here!
    For revision purposes, how did these ethical issues effect the film?


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