Target Audience Profiling

Why is it important to break down TV audiences into groups?

The media industry is very competitive, especially TV audiences, so it is important to segment the target market so you know exactly how to target your product at a certain group of people.

Target Audience-Intended group of people that a media product is aimed at.

Demographics- Age, Gender, Class, Race, Ethnicity.
Psychographics- Opinions, Attitudes, Interest and Lifestyle.
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary audiences
NRS social grade-

How to conduct research

  • Speak to your customers
  • Run surveys
  • Examine your websites usage
  • Run focus groups
  • Request feedback

Quantitive audience research

Quantitive audience research is when companies gather large amounts of information from large groups of people, this is done by emails, phone calls, and face-to-face surveys to determine how best to make their product appeal to the target audience. For films and marketing this is done with questionnaires. A paper questionnaire is a closed question survey, but people can still write on the paper their thoughts and opinions. Digital questionnaires collect exact data and desk research is secondary research, going through old reports and publications to back up your own research. Quantative research is numerical data and is best explained in graphs and charts. Qualitative data gives more wordy answers.

Socio-economic status

This is a means for some people to predict behaviour based on how much a person earns, where they live and their type of education and the characteristics a person may have. In research this data is used to estimate what influences this person may have. Socio-economics are based on class systems, from poor to rich.


The film industry will use psychographics to target what their audience would normally go for.


Geo-demographic tells us about the type of people for marketing. Their age, gender, area they grew up in or live in and their financial class tell us a lot about the type of audience they may be. Geo-demographics are based on where people live.

Age and Gender

Depending on the type of industry results in research into the age group target audience. Young audiences are generally targeted because they are most likely to spend money as they spend the most time socialising.

Mainstream/Alternative/Niche Audiences

Mainstream audiences are stereotyped for the 'popular culture' because of their social group. The majority of people tend to like the same things, think the same way and do similar things which are accepted as the norm.

Alternative audiences are different from the mainstream culture because they opt for the second best thing to a mainstream audience. This group of audience tend to think 'outside the box' and are more creative and the opposite of mainstream. However what is popular with the alternative audience will gradually gain in popularity and soon become part of mainstream culture.

Niche audiences make up a small part of social culture and they have unique interests that people neither follow or know about.

Why is it important to break down TV audiences into groups? 

Kids 4-11

  • To target specific needs(educational, promoting, entertainment)
  • Advertising-appropriate to target audience
  • High viewing figures- 1 time advert
  • Low viewing figures- multiple times an advert is shown

ABC1 Men
  • 35% of TV is consumed on Fridays and Saturdays. 
  • Sky Atlantic, high quality drama
  • TV catch up services allow advertisers to tap into their services: multi-platform campaigns
  • Within the ABC1 UK demographic, 12.8 million are men which represents over a quarter of the adult population. As a result, ABC1 Men represent a sizeable target audience for television advertisers seeking to communicate with specific demographics.


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