Sample assessment

1 (a) Identify two costs that Ian needs to consider when developing the 247Me app and explain how these costs impact on the project.

One cost is hiring staff  because wages are a big expenditure of most businesses so having staff means more cost of wages and the more staff that are hired to help develop the app the more wages that need to be paid.

Another cost is paying the local market research company to do the research for them. Although Ian will save time, he's adding to his costs by getting a company that will need to be paid to do the market research for him.

(b) Identify one type of project management tool that Ian could use to keep track of the project tasks and explain why it is suitable for this task.

One type of project management tool Ian could use to keep track of the project tasks is an Excel spreadsheet because it is a good way to keep track of calculations and money coming in and out of the business. It is suitable for this task because they have limited funds and will need to keep track of their costs so they know if they can or cannot improve in other areas of the project.

2 Ella is a Graphic Designer. Discuss how her training and skills could be used by ProgressMediaUK when developing the 247Me app. 

Ella is a skilled graphic designer who is new to the company so her past training and expertise can aid ProgressMediaUK when developing the 247Me app. Her expertise are more valuable when designing the app because other people in the company have different skills which would not benefit this section of the project so they would be wasteful in this area of the project. For example, Ian is responsible for securing funding and overseeing the running of the business so he would not get involved in the actual design of the app because his skills lie with supervising the project in making sure nothing goes wrong and that they meet the April deadline.

3 Identify one act of legislation that is applicable to the 247Me app.

The Data Protection Act.

4 A mock-up design of the 247Me app login screen has been created. Ian has given this to the marketing research company that ProgressMediaUK use. 

(a) (i) Identify one method of primary research that could be carried out using the mocked up design and explain why it is suitable. 

A focus group could be set up to find out what they think of the mocked up design so a variety of feelings and opinions are shared so they acquire qualitative data that can easily be analysed rather than quantitative data that can be quite broad and you can't get the audience opinion from quantitative data.

(ii) Explain one reason why open-ended questions would be a suitable research tool for the 247Me app development. 

Open-ended questions are a suitable research tool because it allows for long answered opinions that can be useful information learnt when developing the app. This means they can analyse these opinions both good and bad and weigh up what their target audience thinks about their app.

(iii) Explain one issue that could be caused for ProgressMediaUK by analysing the data collected using open-ended questions.

One issue is that there is no quantitative data. This can be an issue if they want to launch the app in a short amount of time because it can be time consuming listening to everyone's opinions so it is sometimes good to get quantitative data as well because it is quick and easy to analyse.

(b) Explain one way the outcome of the market research could affect the development of the 247Me app.

If the opinions given by the audience who took part in the focus group are valid, they may make the changes that are suggested, although if too many changes are made the project could be delayed. Also not all opinions are the right opinions so they may be taking on some bad advice and delaying the project because they're making these changes that may not work to their advantage.

(c) Explain one reason why it is important to sample all genders in the 247Me app research. 

The app has a wide appeal to all genders so they need to get the design of the app perfect so it appeals to their wide target audience of all genders aged 14- 24 years old.

5 Ella and Josh have identified a number of tasks that would need to be carried out during the development of the 247Me app. Use the tasks listed at the top of the table to create a basic project plan showing the work flow that would need to be completed.

                                                                               Timescale (weeks)

House Style Design

Database Design

Cloud storage purchase

Database creation

Page Design

Homepage creation

6 When ProgressMediaUK offered you the apprenticeship, you were required to sign a form giving the intellectual property rights of any work you produce to ProgressMediaUK. Explain why you were required to sign this form.

The work I have done since signing away the intellectual property rights and produce for ProgressMediaUk is owned by them and not me so i cannot claim it as my own or copy the idea and share it with a rival competitor as a result of me signing this form.

7 Using the product brief provided by Mikael to ProgressMediaUK: 

(a) Identify one explicit requirement

(b) Identify one requirement that is open to interpretation.

A requirement that is open to interpretation is the colours used because other users can post their own content, text and images in a community room that is open to all app users.

(c) Identify one constraint on the project

Although a large majority of people aged 14-24 years old own a smartphone or tablet not everyone does so they're target audience may be limited due to how available the app is to the target market.


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