
A Project Manager would lead the evaluation of pre production documents. They are evaluated in terms of effectiveness for the media products they helped plan.

Questions that are frequently asked to make sure a project manager is the right person to do an evaluation are:

  • Was the right person doing it?
  • Was the document appropriate?
  • Would a better or different document do?
  • Changes/threats?

Evaluating the effectiveness of pre-production documentation is vital in ensuring that the final version is sent to the production team is effective. If documents aren't checked, they could be the cause of a major planning problem, so its important that the quality of the documents us evaluated. 

How to evaluate

The documents need to be considered in relation to:
  • Suitability of content for meeting the brief and usefulness in aiding the production team in producing the product.
  • Suitability of content for the target audience.
  • Positive language
  • Consideration for the original designer/creator
  • Specific feedback on any suggested improvement- justifying why it would make the document more effective.

Evaluating a pre-production document

Diagram of a TV set

  • Shows how the set will be laid out.
  • Can see that it is a studio based show and can tell what type of genre it is.
  • Although we don't know where the cameras will be placed.
  • We don't know what exactly it is, whether it's just a design without a colour scheme or an actual idea for a studio set.
  • Also, as there is no colour, it does not specify the genre because colour is a big give away in terms of what genre the show is.
Production Schedule
  • Spelling mistake may give a bad insight into how the rest of the project is run.
  • There are no specific dates to stick to.
  • Each job role is given a specific colour so it is clear and easy to track.


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