Personal attributes

What are the personal attributes that you will need when working in media production/ career development in the media industry?
  • Patience
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Organisation 
  • Listening skills
  • Creativity
  • Independence 
  • Having Initiative

What is etiquette?- It is a set standard made when something is acceptable in society/ The customary code of polite behaviour among members of a particular profession or group. 

Why is etiquette important when working in a media industry?

it is important because it will present a professional manner when working or communicating with other people in the industry who you may work with or come across in the future.

Positive traits
  • Good communication
  • Strong opinion
  • Caring
  • Good listener
  • Friendly
  • Independent 
  • Polite
  • Good etiquette
Negative traits
  • Bad concentration 
  • I moan
  • Easily frustrated
  • Bad patience
  • Not very creative
  • Very Forgetful


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