Reflect and Perfect Children shoes client brief case study test

1. Explain the client requirements of this brief, outlining which are explicit, implicit and open to interpretation. (10)

The requirement of this client brief is for Zoo shoes to launch its first footwear for children. They want to create a 20-40 second promotional video that will be aimed at an audience of between 8 and 14 years old to use on websites. So this client brief is focusing on the target audience because that is who they are making the product for. The client brief outlines what the video must include. There should be shots of the footwear range, the name, logo and contact detail for the company and shots of the target audience in the street with the product and range of different camera shots, angles and movements . These are all open to interpretation requirements. Explicit requirements must all be followed. A minimum of four clips are explicit requirements. Also, background music that is up to date and appeals to children is open to interpretation because it will be based on research and opinion what children like and dislike. Finally, the video has to last between 20 to 40 seconds, this is an implicit requirement.

2. What logistical issues can you foresee when creating this video? (4)

Only 5 weeks to create the video which is a short length of time. Production is only 4 weeks because testing is required. The weather will effect the shots theatre taken outside. Also, getting child actors to be filmed at appropriate times maybe difficult.

3. What potential legal issues will need to be addressed? Outline briefly the impact each one may've on the project and how they might be dealt with. (8)

Permission will be needed from parents to be able to film their children so they will need to sign a release form because children can't be filmed legally without this form being signed. Contracts need to be signed by children because if they aren't, children can't work at all. Also, once working hours are agreed, the rest of the projects to work around these hours. Another, potential legal issue is public or private location release form. If in a public area, council permission is generally needed, if private then the owner must sign the release form. The final legal issue is copyright of music. Rights must be requested for use in the advert, otherwise the advert may be pulled after it is released.

5. Identify two costs associated with filming the advert for Zoo Shoes and explain how these costs impact on the project (4)

One cost is that they will need to pay to use certain locations if they want to film their target audience with the product. This will impact the project if they have to keep re-using a location if the weather keeps being bad when they are trying to film. Another cost maybe having to hire children actors because the majority of 8-14 year olds will be in school during the 5 week time period that they have to make the video.

6. What market research could be done to learn more about Zoo Shoes,and what is one outcome of this market research?

By watching other shoe adverts,they can find out whether competition does to market their product and they can look for potential gaps in the market and come up with an idea that has not yet been exploited which will give them a clear idea of their target audience.

7. Identify one type of project management tool that you could use to keep track of the project tasks and explain why it is suitable for this project. (3)

One project management tool that could be used to keep track of project tasks are to-do- lists. This will be a good way to make sure that all the explicit, implicit and open to interpretation requirements are included in the video. Also, a to-do list can help you set things up in order of what will be quick to do and what task may take longer which is good to know, given they only have 5 weeks to launch the product.

8. The film needs to be tested before it is sent to the Client for approval. Outline what type of research this is and how you could go bout completing this research. (3)

This research will be market research where they will be acquiring qualitative data because a detailed questionnaire with open questions will be sent to the target audience. You could go about this research by going into schools and hand the students who fall into their target audience a questionnaire to be completed and returned so they can be analysed.


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