Analysing Adverts

Use of Camera

•Extreme close up (ECU)
•Close up (CU)
•Long shot (LS)
•Wide shot (WS)
•Medium shot (MS)
•Point of view (POV)
•Low angle
•High angle
•Over the Shoulder (OTS)

Transition from one shot to another shot

A cut is used to describe the clean break dividing one shot and another. The terms ‘dissolves’ and ‘fades’ refer to the way in which one frame fades out whilst the other is dissolved in, with no clear cut between the shots. 

Shot duration

The average shot is 1.38 seconds per shot. However, we are capable of seeing three shots per minute. 

Sound effects

There are many sound effects used in adverts: some are more obvious than others. The obvious sound effects are jingles: songs which incorporate lyrics explaining the virtues and features of a particular product. 


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