Technological Convergence

Technological Convergence

When different types of technology meet to produce one converged product that can do everything. For example; a smartphone phone is used for calling, listening, using the internet, taking pictures and timing etc...

Convergence technologies allows for a number of different types of products to come together to make one individual advanced product. For example a smart phone. Although from our grandparents point of view they would've had to purchase each individual product because they wouldn't have converged together to form one product yet. For example, technology of my grandparents era would have consisted of records or cassettes to listen to their favourite music and if they were lucky to have a TV they would have to watch a programme at a specific time as their was no recording unless they had a VHS. Nowadays, we can do all of these things on one smart phone as it allows us to catch up on TV by downloading applications, listen to music, film and take photographs and communicate verbally through telephone communication or video conferencing.

Explain how digital convergence has affected society?

Digital convergence has an affect on society both positively and negatively. The advantages on society is that each person won't have to purchase a piece of technology individually when they can buy a smart phone that has been converged into being able to do everything on one device. Another advantage is that things can get done quicker. For example, you can use the internet on your phone to do a quick research task without having to load up a laptop or PC to find out the answer to your research. Although with some positives on society, comes some negatives as well. One negative will be quality. The quality of filming or taking a picture on a smart phone will lack compared to a camera which is for that purpose.


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