What makes a good print ad?

  • Clear and effective image
  • Memorable- emotional, informative
  • Slogan/Catch phrase/ tagline- entice audience, stick in head
  • Persuasive language
  • Clear language- to the point
  • Appropriate font- typeface, sans-serif/serif
  • Colour scheme- ideally 3/4
  • Clear layout
  • Name of product
  • Website
  • Brand identity- logo, name of brand/company
  • Eye catching

This is a good print ad because the picture has a clear link to the tagline. It also uses around 3/4 colours which every campaign should stick to. There is a clear and effective image used that is clear for the audience to see what is being advertised.

 This advert sticks to the three to four colours that should be used on a print advert.


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