
Showing posts from December, 2017

Concept Art

What is concept art and why is it important? The main goal of concept art is to convey a  visual  representation of a design, idea, and/or mood for use in films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product. In other words, it aims to convey the overall design vision rather than specify everything in exact terms right at the start. Visualisation diagrams are useful because you can make loads of copy of the same image and envisage an idea until its perfect and comes to fruition.  Flat Plan The Flatplan is a page plan of a publication that shows how the articles and adverts are laid out.  A Flatplan shows where all articles and adverts are laid out, and in what order. It allows complete control of the publication production process avoiding confusion.  Without a Flatplan, the production director and advertisement director struggle to control which pages go where. Prototypes A prototype is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to


A Project Manager would lead the evaluation of pre production documents. They are evaluated in terms of effectiveness for the media products they helped plan. Questions that are frequently asked to make sure a project manager is the right person to do an evaluation are: Was the right person doing it? Was the document appropriate? Would a better or different document do? Changes/threats? Evaluating the effectiveness of pre-production documentation is vital in ensuring that the final version is sent to the production team is effective. If documents aren't checked, they could be the cause of a major planning problem, so its important that the quality of the documents us evaluated.  How to evaluate The documents need to be considered in relation to: Suitability of content for meeting the brief and usefulness in aiding the production team in producing the product. Suitability of content for the target audience. Positive language Consideration for the original


Logistics- The way a task must be thought about and problems solved to make it work What job roles someone in logistics needs to sort out if they are filming on location: Catering-allergies etc... Toilet facilities Transporting equipment Security/crowd control Travel arrangements for cast, crew and extras Control of extras- trailers, marquees, green rooms Health and safety issues (High vis jackets) Making areas safe Deliver script to cast beforehand or on the day of filming if it is short and easy to learn Vehicles on set Accommodation Press and paparazzi control Riders Power/battery/generator

Sample assessment

1 (a) Identify two costs that Ian needs to consider when developing the 247Me app and explain how these costs impact on the project. One cost is hiring staff  because wages are a big expenditure of most businesses so having staff means more cost of wages and the more staff that are hired to help develop the app the more wages that need to be paid. Another cost is paying the local market research company to do the research for them. Although Ian will save time, he's adding to his costs by getting a company that will need to be paid to do the market research for him. (b) Identify one type of project management tool that Ian could use to keep track of the project tasks and explain why it is suitable for this task. One type of project management tool Ian could use to keep track of the project tasks is an Excel spreadsheet because it is a good way to keep track of calculations and money coming in and out of the business. It is suitable for this task because they have limited fun

Reflect and Perfect Children shoes client brief case study test

1. Explain the client requirements of this brief, outlining which are explicit, implicit and open to interpretation. (10) The requirement of this client brief is for Zoo shoes to launch its first footwear for children. They want to create a 20-40 second promotional video that will be aimed at an audience of between 8 and 14 years old to use on websites. So this client brief is focusing on the target audience because that is who they are making the product for. The client brief outlines what the video must include. There should be shots of the footwear range, the name, logo and contact detail for the company and shots of the target audience in the street with the product and range of different camera shots, angles and movements . These are all open to interpretation requirements. Explicit requirements must all be followed. A minimum of four clips are explicit requirements. Also, background music that is up to date and appeals to children is open to interpretation because it will be ba