
Showing posts from October, 2017

Production designer podcast

1. What does the role of production designer entail?- responsible for the overall lucrative production, designs and atmosphere. They are the next person after the director. During a production, which other members of the production and which other areas of the production does the production designer co-ordinate with?-  Production designers work with Set Designers, Directors, Costume Designer, work with person who does lighting. 3. What issues with locations can occur during the production of a TV drama? - The location they used wasn't off limits to the public whilst they were filming so they had to let them pass through. Also a lot of these properties were built prior to Tudor times, some of the props and furniture had to be moved, covered or built over. 4. What skills, education and experience is it beneficial for a production designer to have?- To work with a director you have worked on a previous project on the next project as well. a beneficial way to get into Set D


BBFC Podcast 70- Game of Thrones This post is about a podcast that talks about how the BBFC regulate violent TV shows and why they are given the ratings that they have received. The series throws out a lot of issues such as strong language, strong violence, sex, sexual violence, gore, nudity, threat and horror. The majority of episodes are classified 15, however 13 episodes are classified 18, one for a scene with strong sex, two with scenes of sexual violence, four with very strong language and six for strong bloody violence. The Red Wedding- shocking scene with the three Starks murdered with a sight of the dagger going in. Reaction shots of one of the Starks faces rather than seeing more bloody gory shots. A lot of arterial sprays when Rob Starks throat gets slit. (15 rated) The Mountain and the Viper- A battle scene in the form of a trial. swords and spears clashing together until a character's leg gets slashed , he falls on the floor as the other character leaps in t

Legal Issues

Legal Issues Star wars copyright- A prop designer who made the original storm trooper helmets for Star Wars has won his copyright battle with director George Lucas over his right to sell replicas. Andrew Ainsworth spent half a decade and almost £700,000 fighting Lucas' legal team. He felt that it is hard to accept when something you have created is taken away from you and you don't get the recognition you deserve. Intellectual Property- Most businesses rely on bright ideas whether it is a new product, recognisable brands or nice designs.  How do you protect your ideas from being exploited by others? Intellectual property known as the IP law. There are 4 main types of the IP law: Trademarks Copy Rights Design Rights Patent Trademarks are used by businesses to protect there product ideas. Trademarks can be valuable assets to a business and only have to be renewed every ten years and can only be applied

BBC worldwide

BBC Worldwide  As it seeks to grow its business internationally, BBC Worldwide has identified three markets that have high growth potential. These markets are Asia, Central Europe, Middle East & Africa (CEMA) and Western Europe, and are collectively known within BBC Worldwide as Global Markets. Each of these regions has teams running channels, sales, production and consumer product operations as well as identifying new business opportunities which can deliver new revenue streams and increased profits for BBC Worldwide. Local sales teams work with broadcasters in the regions to sell finished programmes and formats from BBC Worldwide's extensive programming catalogue. Successes have included record-breaking audiences for Planet Earth II, the global success of War and Peace, the 2016 cinematic release of Sherlock: The Abominable Bride and the Doctor Who 50 th anniversary special in 2013. These markets also showcase the range of BBC-branded channels – BBC Brit, BBC Earth

How much does it cost to advertise on UK TV?

Channel Cost of daytime advertisement Cost of peak time advertisement ITV 1 £3500-£4500 £10,000-£30,000 Channel 4 £1000-£2000 £10,000-£20,000 Channel 5 £800-£1600 £2500-4500 Sky 1 £150-£250 £650-£1150 Sports channels Sky sports £10-£50/ BT Sport £5-£30 Sky sports £60-£750/ BT Sport £20-£200 Other digital channels (Horror Channel) £50-£150 £150-£300 This will affect your pre-production and your budget because if it a large proportion of your money is being spent on advertising and should it not be successful you will not have enough money to reinvest the money into another area of the business. The cost of daytime advertising is significantly less than peak time advertising so during pre-production it will need to be decided if they want to advertise during the day or during peak times in order to reach their target audience.

Easy ways to get advertising

1. Promote an affiliate product on your site Affiliate links are not technically ads but allow you to make money by promoting someone else's product. Different affiliate programs offer different payout options. You will earn commission every time you refer someone to a product. Some might offer 10 percent commission for each sale, while others pay up to 50 percent of each sale. 2. Use targeted advertising with Google AdSense Google Adsense reflect the content of the website. For example if your looking on a football website, the advert might offer a link to a football or sports retailer that may interest you. It is a free website to join and Google does all the work for you and all you have to do is collect payments. Ads should be tested on the website to make sure they work and so you don't loose credibility. 3. Approach companies directly to ask if you can advertise for them If you already have a lot of traffic on your websites make sure that the adverts are relatab

Funding grants short film