
Showing posts from January, 2018

Technological Convergence

Technological Convergence When different types of technology meet to produce one converged product that can do everything. For example; a smartphone phone is used for calling, listening, using the internet, taking pictures and timing etc... Convergence technologies allows for a number of different types of products to come together to make one individual advanced product. For example a smart phone. Although from our grandparents point of view they would've had to purchase each individual product because they wouldn't have converged together to form one product yet. For example, technology of my grandparents era would have consisted of records or cassettes to listen to their favourite music and if they were lucky to have a TV they would have to watch a programme at a specific time as their was no recording unless they had a VHS. Nowadays, we can do all of these things on one smart phone as it allows us to catch up on TV by downloading applications, listen to music, film a

What makes a good print ad?

Clear and effective image Memorable- emotional, informative Slogan/Catch phrase/ tagline- entice audience, stick in head Persuasive language Clear language- to the point Appropriate font- typeface, sans-serif/serif Colour scheme- ideally 3/4 Clear layout Name of product Website Brand identity- logo, name of brand/company Eye catching This is a good print ad because the picture has a clear link to the tagline. It also uses around 3/4 colours which every campaign should stick to. There is a clear and effective image used that is clear for the audience to see what is being advertised.  This advert sticks to the three to four colours that should be used on a print advert.

Analysing Television Adverts

KFC Zinger Crunch Salad- They use medium shots, close ups and extreme close ups on the staff and the product to display what they are advertising. No Long shots are used to distinguish the scenery/setting. It is aimed at middle aged women/ healthy eating lifestyles and displays a normal office working environment. YSL Opium- Uses the form of dance to display voyeurism. Point of view shots are used for the person who is 'watching' her to display an addiction. Black and White colours used to contrast purity. Her red lipstick connotes seduction. Different shot types used to portray that she is the focus and she's using sexual poses to show her addiction to the perfume. Burger King- Aimed at 25 year old to middle aged men that enjoy fast food establishments compared to 'Chick' food. They use mid shots to show what type of burger the advert is promoting. Diversity is represented because it shows people from different backgrounds enjoying the same food. Portrays many

Analysing Adverts

Use of Camera •Extreme close up (ECU) •Close up (CU) •Long shot (LS) •Wide shot (WS) •Medium shot (MS) •Point of view (POV) •Low angle •High angle •Over the Shoulder (OTS) Transition from one shot to another shot A cut is used to describe the clean break dividing one shot and another. The terms ‘dissolves’ and ‘fades’ refer to the way in which one frame fades out whilst the other is dissolved in, with no clear cut between the shots.  Shot duration The average shot is 1.38 seconds per shot. However, we are capable of seeing three shots per minute.  Sound effects There are many sound effects used in adverts: some are more obvious than others. The obvious sound effects are jingles: songs which incorporate lyrics explaining the virtues and features of a particular product. 

The Advertising Standards Authority

Adverts in print, radio or video format must not be deemed harmful, misleading or offensive. The criminal damage advert is harmful because it displays underage children smoking which is a negative impact on all kinds of people's health, especially children. The Levis advert is harmful because the legal age to handle a firework is 18 years and above due to the dangers it can cause. This advert displays young children playing with highly flammable fireworks that can cause bodily harm if they aren't used correctly. The Kellogs advert is misleading because it says "Wholesome Cookie goodness" and this is implying that as well as it being a tasty snack it is also good for you. Although, products such as this contain high amounts of sugar and the advert does not expose this information so it may mislead the audience on how unhealthy it might be. The POM Wonderful LLC advert is misleading because it says "Cheat Death" so it is implying that this pomegrana

Personal attributes

What are the personal attributes that you will need when working in media production/ career development in the media industry? Patience Teamwork Communication Time Management Organisation  Listening skills Creativity Independence  Having Initiative What is etiquette?- It is a set standard made when something is acceptable in society/ The customary code of polite behaviour among members of a particular profession or group.  Why is etiquette important when working in a media industry? it is important because it will present a professional manner when working or communicating with other people in the industry who you may work with or come across in the future. Positive traits Good communication Strong opinion Caring Good listener Friendly Independent  Polite Good etiquette Negative traits Bad concentration  I moan Easily frustrated Bad patience Not very creative Very Forgetful