
Showing posts from November, 2017

Project Management

What is project management? Project management is a job role to ensure a process is in place and adhered to in order to achieve the project. A project manager may use a number of different tools to do this. Project management is the effective planning and running of a project, from the ideas point to the end product and evaluation. Planning requires an outline of the tasks, deadlines and milestones that will be required to manage the project efficiently. A project timeline schedule would need to be created for the creation of the media product, to include: 1. Tasks that need to be done 2. Deadlines for each task 3. Milestones within the tasks and the overall project Project management tools Gantt chart- Designed by mechanical engineer Henry Gantt in 1910, the Gantt chary has had a long run as a project management tool. A Gantt chart uses horizontal bars to illustrate project completion dates, progress, milestones and dependencies. Production schedule on excel

Audience Research questions

1. Who can do/does audience research? Digital marketers and communicators will do audience research in order to understand their wants and needs, and adjust strategies in response to what they find out. Two kinds of data that will be found out from audience research is qualitative and quantitative data. Other easy and good ways to collect audience research data is surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and observations. Ethical issues need to be considered should their be ethical guidelines that a project must follow so that their are not potential problems that need adjusting. Other companies may also be employed to will alongside you and take up the job of conducting market research to save time but it might be expensive to hire them.  The Office of Communication (OFCOM) will also do audience research.  The research findings from Ofcom’s Media Tracker study provide a valuable source of information on consumers’ attitudes, and help inform Ofcom’s work on broadcasting

Target Audience for Costco

The website i have chosen to analyse is Costco.  Costco Wholesale Corporation operates an international chain of membership warehouses, that carry quality, brand name merchandise at substantially lower prices than are typically found at conventional wholesale or retail outlets. The warehouses are designed to help small-to-medium-sized businesses reduce costs in purchasing for resale and for everyday business use. Individual Members may also purchase for their personal needs. Costco's target audience would be the 'C' of the NRS social grades. The 'C' takes into account adults who are middle to working class. Also, to be able to go to Costco you need a membership which can only be acquired if you own a business so it is quite exclusive. I think the age group would be those aged between 35-65 years old because it is for business owners and it may take some people time to  establish themselves in the field they're in before they own a business.   The pi

Target Audience Profiling

Why is it important to break down TV audiences into groups? The media industry is very competitive, especially TV audiences, so it is important to segment the target market so you know exactly how to target your product at a certain group of people. Target Audience-Intended group of people that a media product is aimed at. Demographics- Age, Gender, Class, Race, Ethnicity. Psychographics- Opinions, Attitudes, Interest and Lifestyle. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary audiences NRS social grade- How to conduct research Speak to your customers Run surveys Examine your websites usage Run focus groups Request feedback Quantitive audience research Quantitive audience research is when companies gather large amounts of information from large groups of people, this is done by emails, phone calls, and face-to-face surveys to determine how best to make their product appeal to the target audience. For films and marketing this is done with questionnaires. A paper q

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or business venture. Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others Weaknesses: characteristics of the business that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others Opportunities: elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit to its advantage Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project This is a SWOT analysis based on a brief for a new game Strengths They have an established target audience for children ranging from 6-10. Working for a well-established company will help enhance your credentials and experience in the field. Weaknesses Only 4 months till the campaign is due to launch so not a lot of time. Also their is only 3 w

Client Brief Summary

Why do clients write briefs? 1. Better work A brief is the most important piece of information issued by a client to an agency.  Therefore it’s essential that every effort be taken to prepare the best possible documentation of what is required.  The client brief can be considered the platform for a communications campaign. The better a company’s corporate or brand position is defined and the more t houghtfully its key business issues are described,  the more likely it is that strategic and creative thinkers in agencies will be able to apply their specialist skills to produce the best  possible  solutions.  2. Saving Time and Money The biggest waste of resources is putting staff through a process without giving them appropriate direction on what they are doing. Therefore it is costly in wasting staff time because they are not being productive without proper orders.  They need agencies to get more work right  first time because it saves time and money. A proper written bri

Client briefs

Client Briefs Client briefs can be formal or informal. There are different types of client briefs that can be produced, these are: Contractual Negotiated Cooperative Brief Tender Competition Commission Formal Briefs are written documents with technical and specific language. They are focused and in lots of depth and the majority of briefs are formal rather than informal. Informal Briefs can be as straightforward as a chat over a meal or drink. There is no limited documentation supporting the chat and no contractual agreement. There are also no specific requirements outlined initially. These tend to be undertaken and then fleshed out at a later date. Contractual Briefs are formal tasks that are accepted under legal obligation. The clients desires and deadlines outlined must be met with both the client and the media producer abiding by the brief. Negotiated Briefs are formal with both the client and the media producer making the decisions. Through n

Infographic chart



Unit 2- Pre-production and planning skills test

1. Identify two costs that you need to consider when developing a new phone app and explain how these costs impact on the project. (6) You will need to consider the cost of advertising when developing a new phone app because it is essential when creating a new product to spread awareness of it and gain a specific customer base. This will impact the product because advertising can be quite expensive especially TV advertisement during peak times so it will take up a chunk of any budget you may have. Another cost will be the wages of the person designing the phone application. If someone in the company doesn't have the required skills or knowledge to design the app, you will need to hire someone who does and pay them a set wages, whether they are on contract for an hourly rate or get wages for the whole project at the beginning. This will have an impact on the project because if the app has to be completed by a certain time or date, it may be time consuming finding someone with the

Ethical issues surrounding the Passion of the Christ

Passion of the Christ Passion of the Christ was directed and produced by Mel Gibson. One message from the film is sacrifice. For example, in the film they say that Jesus sacrificed his life to save everyone who has sinned so they are taught that they should sacrifice themselves for the greater good of others. This is morally wrong because we are taught that life should be happy and take pride in it, not sacrifice your life which is meant to be precious. Mel Gibson displays Romans poorly in the film as they are meant to represent jews in a negative light which could be seen as anti-semetic references. The film portrays jews as being responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and being horrible, vicious, brutal and inhuman. The film portrays jewish people of holding a grudge against Jesus for switching religious beliefs so they were brutal towards him during the crucifixion. The filmed had a negative impact on their audience with many peoples sending emails to the An